Monday, November 8, 2010

Tomorrow is never Promised

 I have just been reminded once again today how short life can be. Every night we all go to sleep, we plan our next day, being certain that we will wake up the next day and go on with our routines. However, we also tend to forget that we might not wake up at all the next day. Today was a typical rainy day . I was driving to work on I 370, going very slow as I normally do when it rains. All of a sudden, I lost control of the car. My first reaction of course was slamming on the brake which made it even worse, so it kept swerving on both side of the road,  spun around twice, when I finally hit the concrete barrier that divides the freeway into two ways, the car decided to come to a spot. I said decided because at this point I wasn't in control at all, I had given up and was just going with the flow. I hear about horrible car accidents experiences before but I have personally never experienced anything like this before . So all I was thinking to myself  was that "today will be the end of me". Miraculously I was okay and so was the car. Just think about What would have happened if the cars behind me hadn't stopped. I spent the whole day in awe not believing that I was still alive.This was then when I thought once again that " Life is way way way too short". So I thought I would share this with you all just so that every night as we go to sleep we remind ourselves that "TOMORROW IS NOT PROMISED"

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

To a Beautiful Strong African Woman

She has The Walk-
    head high,
  Shoulder back,
        limbs in perfect rhythm-
Confident that where she's been
    will take her exactly where
          she wants to go......

A World Class Procrastinator

It is three thirty in the morning, I am lying down on my bed, with my eyes heavy wanting to sleep yet I can’t sleep. Thoughts are going through my head, all sorts of thoughts. Then I started thinking about this behavior that I have adopted two years ago if I recall. It is call procrastinating or getting things done at the last minute. I mean I’ve always thought about how it has affected me but not to this extent. To the point of keeping me up in the middle of the night writing about it. this must be a sign of how serious it is getting I told myself.

In the past two years this behavior has affected my life, I mean in every way. I always find myself doing things at the last second. So as this thought ran through my mind, I started asking myself questions. Why can’t I just do things in advance at least a day ahead? I have tried God knows I have, but it never seem to work. I feel like this behavior has taken control over my life. I can’t finish going over a list of things I have put off and waited to the last second to get done, the list is just too long. However I can tell worse cases of procrastination that I’ve done, and believe me I’ve bear the consequences, and the worse kind of consequences.

There was a time when I needed to do an oil change on my car, as you can guess I never got it done on time I kept putting it off and hoping I can drive it today then tomorrow I will take it for the oil change. However, tomorrow never came, and guess what? I kept driving until it ran out of oil, then the engine ended up getting damaged as a result. This is just one example but there are many and even worst. Not to be harsh or anything like that but my mother always tells me “ if there were a dead line to heaven you would never make it on time…… lol. Seriously that’s how bad it got.

Most people that know me, people such as family members and close friends know that I like to put things off for the last minute, therefore insist and make it very clear and how important it is to do something they need me to do on time. Sometimes I feel like a child when they treat me this way, then again I can’t blame them I tell myself blame it on your hideous behavior procrastination of course. When I talk to people about this behavior, they tell me they also procrastinate a lot, but when I tell them my embarrassing stories of procrastination. They just become speechless. For I gave myself a title because I haven’t met anyone with a worst case: A WORLD CLASS PROCRASTINATOR. This is a title I must admit not proud of. If only I can win over this behavior I often find myself thinking.

The point is, I have been inflicted with this behavior and paid so many prices for it. I’ve tried to change for the better and not let PROCASTINATION run my life. I’ve pray about it asking God to take away upon me, I’ve forced myself, fought myself, I’ve even bought books and read them in seeking for solutions to this unbearable behavior. So PLEASE HELP. I am calling out for help, is there anyone out there fighting procrastination, or won it over.

Things you might or might not know about me

1.I was born and grew up in Guinea( I bet u knew that)
2. I love my mother to death even though I don't tell her ( what will do without her)
3. I hate to wake up early ( sooooo noooooot a MORNING person)
4. I never use to say "NO" to people ( now I say "HELL NO")
5. I love my family very much ( will do anything for them)
6. I have a cousin that is annoying as hell ( you know who you are)
7. My friends say I have a smart mouth ( but only Kianna's is smarter lol sorry kiki reid luv ya)
8. I am reserved when I first meet people ( I am figuring them out in the process)
9. Haja Jalloh there's something about you that I love ( I have no idea what it is...)
10. I used to go out of my way to do things for people ( Not anymore, they take advantage)
11. I despise up tight, self centered people ( loosen up the world does not revolve around you)
12. I think that most men are cheaters ( so I keep my guards)
13. I hate to loose a friend ( but the hell with you if you don't want to be a friend)
14. I don't value material things ( after all I am going to die and leave it all right)
15. My sister thinks I am my father's favorite ( oh well)
16. I don't get upset that often ( but you definately don't wanna be there when I am)
17. I don't like people who are inconsiderate ( that's selfish)
18. I laugh a lot, I mean a lot ( besides its good for my lungs)
19. My friends swear that I have a boyfriend they never met (yeah right I wish)
20. I always do things at the last second ( even if my life depended on it)
............. I believe that I am a really nice person, as long as you don't take adventage of me and don't get on my bad side we should get along pretty fine.......

Thursday, September 3, 2009

"WhAt I've bEEn up 2 AnD tHroUgH"

Wow... Where do I began? hmmmm.......It's been a minute since I last wrote but I am back... Lots of changes has happened during the last couple of months.
First let me start by saying that I have proudly conquered "PROCRASTINATION" not completely but I mean I made a little effort so I give myself a little credit for that. In March and April I worked through my 50 pages reseach paper and FINALLY completed without procrastinating...... Therefore In  May I graduated ( yay me). I took a took a little break and made a long awaited trip to Miami with my girls, we had a blast ( 8 girls in an apartment ....go figure.... from going to the beaches, to the clubs, to restaurants, It was awsome..... Throughout the summer I WORKED, WORKED, and WORKED.... Sent out couple of resumes but No luck at least not yet....... My car, my beautiful GREEN VW that some friends refer to as the " BUCKET" decided to let go of me without a hint of goodbye ( Sniff, Sniff)... In july I traveled to St Cloud MN to celebrate my good friend Toutou's daughter's first  BDAY, it was amazing I had a great time...Then came AUGUST the anticipated BDAY month when another blessed year was added to my life....However, it also happened to be the month of Ramadam so I fasted 22 days ( not bad huh!!!!)  So here We are in September, still no job offer, no car....So I've been thinking of making some serious decisions that will have a huge impact in my life ... Dont worry I'm not getting married yet ... and I promise to let you know if that happens... OH I forgot to mention how I dreamt one night that I cut my hair... And guess what the next day  I choped it all off....( now tell me that wasn't insane) Finally I decided to volunteer at a hospice doing administrative work... Well that's  all for now, so I am crossing my fingers and hoping that the decisions I am thinking of making will be one of the best decision I've ever made....
see ya L8R